
RunningMan SBS

"Gameshow dari Korea yang membuat aku ketawa melihat kerenah dorang ^_^ Aigoo.."

Green Lantern

Superhero Hollywood aku ^_^ kacak dan berkaler Hijau >.<


Anime yang paling aku minati ^_^


BoBoiBoy!! Aku Fans BoBoiBoy!! Ngeee~ ^_^


You always be my side, I Love you E-lly~!! :*

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dream Bout You . . .

Mase aku tido tadi..  aku termimpi bout Zara-Chan.. Wanna know bout my dream just now?
aku mimpi Zara-Chan call aku, seolah-olah macam tergesa-gesa.. aku ckap ngan Zara-Chan "nape je neh? namo la cm neh.. tarik nafas.. kang semput".. Zara-Chan ade semput, aku slalu risaukn die.. Ok,kite sambung balik.. dlm idop aku..aku rase neh lah mimpi pling aku xkan lupa.. nk tau Zara-Chan ckp ape?.. die ckp.. "Oppa I really love you, and this is for real, I really love you"..eventhough just mimpi..that enough to make me Happy.. but I still curious bout that dream.. Haaaiisshh~!


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